University of Sanctuary

Activities Update 2020/21

Bike Week September 2020

As part of National Bike Week celebrations in September 2020, The UoS steering committee collaborated with the Community Knowledge Initiative’s NUI Galway Alive Student Volunteer Centre and An Mheitheal Rothar, to apply for funding from Galway City Council to refurbish disused bicycles to good-as-new standards for UoS scholarship awardees. An Mheitheal Rothar, our community partner, aims to encourage and nurture a culture of cycling in Galway city by establishing a practical, ethically-motivated facility and social hub, which will encourage a strong community, promote the circular economy, and promote the health and environmental benefits of cycling. A total of 8 bikes were restored, and the students collected theirs (along with safety equipment and strong chain!) over the last number of months as they were ready to be picked up. An Mheitheal Rothar facilitated a virtual workshop for the students on the maintenance of their bikes, and will hope to have an in-person workshop as soon as the current restrictions are lifted. Fingers and toes crossed!

Laptop Loan Scheme

As part of the Government’s response to Covid-19, the Dept Education & Skills made funding available to support students experiencing technological inequalities as a result of the pandemic. Both undergraduate and postgraduate students were eligible to apply to receive a laptop on long-term loan (for the duration of their studies at HEIs nationally. This Scheme, however, was open to EU fee paying students only, so the UoS steering committee collaborated with the Access Centre, Student Services, the James Hardiman Library & the University Chaplaincy to provide laptops for students within the international protection system. The first two rounds of the scheme took place in September and again in November 2020, with a rolling application process for as long as the remaining laptops are available.

Tech2Students Campaign

The tech2students campaign was developed in April 2020 by Trinity Access and Camara Ireland in response to the digital divide experienced by students in need. Covid 19 showed that the digital divide is real and remains a huge problem for second-level students, those in direct provision and adult learners in marginalised communities. In Phase 2 of the initiative, NUI Galway, the NUIG Access Centre, the Galway City Partnershipthe Galway Chamber and the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics have joined the campaign in the west. We are currently operating one day per week (Tuesdays) in Galway Chamber offices, and will hope to commence distribution of devices once we receive more donations. Donations welcome

Galway 2020 - Spaces and Traces Mapping Project

The UoS steering committee, the Galway Traveller Movement, NUI Galway Early Childhood Studies and local Early Years services in Galway City & County are collaborating on a Galway 2020-funded project, which will see students at NUI Galway take children on a virtual tour of the campus in lieu of actual tours due to Covid-19 restrictions. The inspired project, conceived of last year, will take place throughout early May, and is funded by Galway 2020. The students will connect via Zoom, and the venues of the tour will be decided upon by the children from the Early Years services in advance. The idea of the project is to open the campus to children from diverse backgrounds, and to democratise the space. Following the tours, the children will sketch and colour art inspired from what they’ve seen throughout the tour, and it is hoped to have an exhibition on campus over the coming months.

Sanctuary in Politics Summer Programme

Preparations are underway for NUI Galway to host its third Sanctuary in Politics Summer Programme. The free programme is designed to inform participants on Ireland’s social, cultural, historical and political spheres, with the objective of empowering individuals to influence and contribute to a wonderfully diverse Irish society. Participants are welcome from a variety of backgrounds, with particular welcome for international protection applicants, refugees, vulnerable immigrant groups and Irish Travellers. Participants will hear from experts in the field of public advocacy, activism, media representation of minorities, volunteerism, community practice, and international protection. For more information, please email

University of Sanctuary Scholarship Programme 2021 - 2022

The UoS steering committee is awaiting confirmation from University management on the number of UoS scholarships which will be made available for the academic year 2021-2022. Once confirmation is received, we will advertise on our University of Sanctuary website.